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Top 6 New Technology Gadgets Coming - Review

2015 has been a great year for technology, and 2016 looks set to follow in its footsteps by promising us a whole host of new high-tech gadg...
2015 has been a great year for technology, and 2016 looks set to follow in its footsteps by promising us a whole host of new high-tech gadgets and online tools. It could finally be the year that redefines Technology as we know it, so let’s take a closer look at some new future technology gadgets that are worth keeping an eye on in the near future.

Top 6 New Technology Gadgets Coming - Review

Review of Top Six (6) Best Future Tech-Gadgets

1.   Digital and Downloadable Entertainment Options - Netflix

With the likes of music, film and television shows converting to app form, they are now becoming much easier and more accessible to get ahold of, so it’s little wonder why digital and downloadable entertainment options have made it onto the list.

Netflix is possibly the biggest crusader of this movement, with over 69 million subscribers worldwide tuning into their screenings. It’s growing at such a rate that they are even creating their own funded films and programming, from the critically acclaimed House of Cards (2013 - ) to 2015’s Beasts of No Nation.

As this trend continues to grow, it is likely we will see other models follow in the same footsteps with access to digital storefronts. In addition, we will see an increase in devices taking advantage of this technology.

2.   Video on Demand Services - Chromecast

Video on demand has been around for a while now, so it was only a matter of time before something else graced our shelves. Introducing Google’s Chromecast - an on-demand video service which allows users to stream films and TV shows from their tablet or mobile, straight to through their TV.

What’s even better is the fact that you are not just limited to watching material over your television set. Computers, smartphones and tablets are among the other devices with the ability to watch films and TV shows - making it accessible anytime, anywhere.

3.   Self-Driving Cars - Google self-driving car project

Just when you thought cars couldn’t get fancier, the self-driving car comes along and leaves you absolutely speechless. Straight from the realms of science-fiction, you could soon be greeted by your neighbor taxying to work as you trudge along with gritted teeth.

Well that thought could soon become a reality in 2016 thanks to Google’s latest project - the self-driving car. Imagine a world where you no longer have to worry about the stress of commuting to work, or better yet a world without car crashes.

In the world of tomorrow cars will drive themselves, but they will be so self-reliant and technologically advanced that they will never be involved in an incident. Google are already planning on increasing the production of self-driving cars, so it’s only a matter of time until everybody jumps on their latest craze.

4.   3D Printing - CubePro 3D

We’re on the verge of life-changing events thanks to the arrival of 3D printing. It’s advancements have already been implemented in the medical industry, with ground-breaking creations already being made such as new organs, stem cells and even cancer research.

Sectors such as education, automotive, medical and the aerospace industry have already adopted this technology, while 2016 could prove to be the year that others start to embrace the rewards of this advancement.

This technology has also found its way into our homes (if you can afford it), with the CubePro Trio printer emerging as the best around at a princely sum of £3,075. For that money you can create both simple and complex 3D models using three different materials, making it perfect for engineers and modelers alike.

Reducing waste, saving money and obtaining more accurate results are just some of the reasons why 3D printing is becoming one of the main contenders in modern technology. It also improves communication allows you to create incredibly complex products.

5.   Ultra-Light Laptops - Dell XPS 13 laptop

As tablet devices become an increasingly popular choice among consumers, and with advanced smartphones allowing us to do almost anything while on-the-go, it would be safe to assume that laptops are at risk of becoming outdated.

However, 2015 saw the debut of the Dell XPS 13, which by all accounts, is one of the most advanced consumer-led laptops in circulation today. This super lightweight laptop is just 766g (lighter than the new MacBook) and comes with a built-in Intel Core i5, 4GB RAM, 128GB processor.

What’s more, it also incorporates the latest touch-screen technology which we will expand upon in the next point. Whatever people’s personal preference may be, thinner and lighter is in now more than ever, so it will be interesting to see which brands jump on the bandwagon in 2016. For more tech-gadgets related information, visit ITR Hire.

6.   Touch-Screen Technology - Microsoft Pro 4 tablet

Touchscreen technology is fast becoming to the go-to option in the electronics world, with new reports estimating that touch-screen panel shipments will double by 2016. That’s a total of 2.8 billion touchscreens that will be flooding the market, so grab on to your smartphones as the world is about to become very different.

The likes of smartphones, tablets, display panels and information units are just the beginning, with technology being touted for use in real-life situations, while vehicles are starting to adopt this method.

Laptops in particular are looking to take advantage of this rising trend, as they try to gain a footing on the mobile market. One such laptop which is already using this technology is Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 tablet, which benefits from having a 12.3” touchscreen which is both interactive and economical.

Touchscreens are incredibly easy to use, which is why they work so effectively for both business and personal use. Not to mention the fact that they’re also used as an interactive learning tool for young children, meaning that their target demographic knows no bounds.

Due to the fact that touchscreens are convenient, we wouldn’t be surprised if more brands decided to investigate touchscreen technology and introduce this development into their own models.

We often think that even by blinking we will miss the latest technological development. And at the rate that technology is advancing, it’s easy to see why. As the year draws to an end, it will be interesting to see what brands and manufacturers have in store for us by the time 2016 comes around.

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TechGlobeX: Top 6 New Technology Gadgets Coming - Review
Top 6 New Technology Gadgets Coming - Review
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