No matter how unique your small business idea might be and how narrow your market niche is, all companies face competition at some point. ...
No matter how unique your small business idea might be and how narrow your market niche is, all companies face competition at some point. Competitors can be small businesses like you, but also big companies with long market tradition. The question is how to stand out in the market under those circumstances? Creation of powerful brand identity might be the answer. Brand identity is how you want your company to be perceived in the marketplace and how you present your business to the customers. Many small business owners think they don’t need a brand identity and that it is something reserved for big companies only. But that is not true. Establishing strong brand identity brings many benefits to small businesses and that’s why small business owners need to think about branding from the beginning. Today's post is all about Brand Identity Importance and How Do You Build a Brand Identity for Your Small Business?
When brand identity is properly established, it will make your business memorable and help you beat the competition. On the other hand, if brand identity isn’t built in the way that reflects core values of your company and if it carries a wrong message about your business, it can cause more harm than good to it. In that case, you can lose your target audience’s attention and profit. Furthermore, the cost of rebranding can sometimes be huge and that is something that you don’t wish to happen when you are a small business with limited financial resources.
Therefore, the process of building brand identity should be planned with precisely defined steps. First, business owners should define what the core values of their business are and how they want to be presented in the market. Next step is to determine who their target audience is and to define a message for that audience. After defining all those points, they can start with designing brand identity elements. The design of brand identity elements carries the message about a business and has an influence on customer’s perception of the brand.
Brand identity elements such as logo, business cards, or packaging are the first things your potential customer will notice when they come across your brand. The first impression is always important and it will influence how your target customers will behave, so these key elements need to be cleverly designed.
Having in mind the type of your business, industry, and target market, it is up to you as an owner to choose the right combination of colors, fonts, and shapes when designing key elements of brand identity. Carrying unique message about the business, this design will attract customers and impact your company’s reputation.
Check out following Infographic designed by team Custom Labels to find out what are the main roles of brand identity key elements and how to design them for different types of businesses.

When brand identity is properly established, it will make your business memorable and help you beat the competition. On the other hand, if brand identity isn’t built in the way that reflects core values of your company and if it carries a wrong message about your business, it can cause more harm than good to it. In that case, you can lose your target audience’s attention and profit. Furthermore, the cost of rebranding can sometimes be huge and that is something that you don’t wish to happen when you are a small business with limited financial resources.
Therefore, the process of building brand identity should be planned with precisely defined steps. First, business owners should define what the core values of their business are and how they want to be presented in the market. Next step is to determine who their target audience is and to define a message for that audience. After defining all those points, they can start with designing brand identity elements. The design of brand identity elements carries the message about a business and has an influence on customer’s perception of the brand.
Brand identity elements such as logo, business cards, or packaging are the first things your potential customer will notice when they come across your brand. The first impression is always important and it will influence how your target customers will behave, so these key elements need to be cleverly designed.
Having in mind the type of your business, industry, and target market, it is up to you as an owner to choose the right combination of colors, fonts, and shapes when designing key elements of brand identity. Carrying unique message about the business, this design will attract customers and impact your company’s reputation.
Check out following Infographic designed by team Custom Labels to find out what are the main roles of brand identity key elements and how to design them for different types of businesses.