Most of us know that Python is a programming language which covers object-oriented programming, structured programming, and functional pat...
Most of us know that Python is a programming language which covers object-oriented programming, structured programming, and functional patterns. This second-largest programming language supports data mining, embedded systems, and website development. It is easy to understand and you can also learn it online by signing through a course provided by any reputed institute. Working as a data science tool, Python allows you to grasp the fundamentals of machine learning without any trouble. Machine learning covers probability, statistics, and mathematics, and all these things can be easily understood through Python.
The world has changed now, and companies are in hunt of techniques for extracting information from the unprecedented data flow. And here data science comes into the picture for revealing the meaning of information in order to do strategic planning.
Python is a Leader
There is an ample number of data science tools which data scientists can choose, but the close battle is between Python and R. But Python earned name and fame in the market by becoming the most preferred language used in data science applications. Many biggies including Google trust Python. Do you know about the learning framework ‘Tensorflow’? Well! It is developed by Google by using Python. Other big companies like Facebook have adopted this prominent language for their technical work. Below are some of the advantages of Python, which makes it favorable for data science.
There are situations where Python has proved itself to be the best data science tool. It works well during integration with web apps or when it is desired to include statistical codes in the production database. The excellent functionality of Python allows the implementation of algorithms in a perfect manner.
Python offers various packages suitable for specific tasks. Its packages include SciPy, Numpy, and Pandas. In case you want a good graphic, go with Matplotlib.
Why Python is Better than Other Data Science Tools?
1. Easy to Grasp
This is what every learner wants. This easy to understand language can be learned in a short duration and can perform better because of its simple syntax.
2. Scalability
Unlike R, Python is considered as scalable language and its execution can be done quickly as compared to other languages such as Stata and Matlab. Python offers flexibility and because of this, it can solve problems quickly. This is the reason why YouTube adopted Python in its environment. Python finds its application in all major industries and is capable of developing all types of applications.
3. Variety in Data Science Libraries
One more facet which is giving a significant boost to the use of Python is the availability of various data science libraries to the learners. Pandas, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, and SciPy are the names of libraries accessible in the data science community. Python is capable of addressing the problems in a better manner. So whatever problem you came across a few years back can be resolved by Python through its robust ideas.
4. Better Visualization
Visualization makes the things better and that’s what Python does through Matplotlib. This visualization helps you in chart preparation, web-ready plots along with the graphical plot.
Can We Call Python a Machine Learning Tool?
In data science, the most important element in machine learning which is used to maximize data value. The emergence of Python as a data science tool makes the learning of machine learning basics easy. Machine learning talks about the concepts of mathematical optimization, statistics, and probability. Use of Python makes the understanding of these concepts easy. Come up with any mathematical function and you will find Python package for the same. Learn numerical linear algebra with Numpy, symbolic algebra with SymPy, convex optimization with CVXOPT and statistical modeling with Stats model.
Once you have a strong hold on the concepts of the algorithm like linear regression and logistic regression, you can easily implement machine learning systems for making predictions. Hence grasping the concepts of machine learning through Python is a smart way of understanding difficult things in an easy manner.
The credit of Python’s growth goes to its ecosystem. In today’s era, many programmers are taking interest in Python libraries for development of latest tools and finally processing it in Python.
Things You May Know
Python acts as a backbone in data science as it takes care of repetitions and manipulation of data. As such type of work in handled by Python, it becomes easy for data scientists to focus on more interesting and innovative work.
Do You Want to Learn Python?
Maybe you are a fresher or an experienced guy, but learning new concepts is always better for everyone. Become a master in Data Science with Python. KnowledgeHut is here with data science course with Python. Get a deeper understanding of Python programming and know data science and machine learning for making your resume valuable for companies.
Whether you opt for online or classroom training, you need to undergo 44 hours of instructor-led training which will comprise of various lessons. You will also get 24 hours of videos and will get an exposure to work on real projects for getting hands-on experience. Prepare yourself for an exam, clear it in one go and become ready for new challenges.
The demand of data science will accelerate rapidly in the near future hence it’s high time to make a move. Make a career in data science and learn Python for never looking back!
The rapid change in data science landscape has resulted in an increase in the number of tools used for data science value extraction. The two languages namely R and Python are fighting to establish their dominance. Both these languages have their own pros and cons. But as biggies like Google are taking interest in Python, this language has taken a step ahead in the market and earned a name in this technical world.

The world has changed now, and companies are in hunt of techniques for extracting information from the unprecedented data flow. And here data science comes into the picture for revealing the meaning of information in order to do strategic planning.
Python is a Leader
There is an ample number of data science tools which data scientists can choose, but the close battle is between Python and R. But Python earned name and fame in the market by becoming the most preferred language used in data science applications. Many biggies including Google trust Python. Do you know about the learning framework ‘Tensorflow’? Well! It is developed by Google by using Python. Other big companies like Facebook have adopted this prominent language for their technical work. Below are some of the advantages of Python, which makes it favorable for data science.
- It works well with platform-as-a-service and cloud.
- It supports parallel computing which results in an excellent performance in machine learning and data science.
- It is possible to extend its modules of C and C++.
There are situations where Python has proved itself to be the best data science tool. It works well during integration with web apps or when it is desired to include statistical codes in the production database. The excellent functionality of Python allows the implementation of algorithms in a perfect manner.
Python offers various packages suitable for specific tasks. Its packages include SciPy, Numpy, and Pandas. In case you want a good graphic, go with Matplotlib.
Why Python is Better than Other Data Science Tools?
1. Easy to Grasp
This is what every learner wants. This easy to understand language can be learned in a short duration and can perform better because of its simple syntax.
2. Scalability
Unlike R, Python is considered as scalable language and its execution can be done quickly as compared to other languages such as Stata and Matlab. Python offers flexibility and because of this, it can solve problems quickly. This is the reason why YouTube adopted Python in its environment. Python finds its application in all major industries and is capable of developing all types of applications.
3. Variety in Data Science Libraries
One more facet which is giving a significant boost to the use of Python is the availability of various data science libraries to the learners. Pandas, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, and SciPy are the names of libraries accessible in the data science community. Python is capable of addressing the problems in a better manner. So whatever problem you came across a few years back can be resolved by Python through its robust ideas.
4. Better Visualization
Visualization makes the things better and that’s what Python does through Matplotlib. This visualization helps you in chart preparation, web-ready plots along with the graphical plot.
Can We Call Python a Machine Learning Tool?
In data science, the most important element in machine learning which is used to maximize data value. The emergence of Python as a data science tool makes the learning of machine learning basics easy. Machine learning talks about the concepts of mathematical optimization, statistics, and probability. Use of Python makes the understanding of these concepts easy. Come up with any mathematical function and you will find Python package for the same. Learn numerical linear algebra with Numpy, symbolic algebra with SymPy, convex optimization with CVXOPT and statistical modeling with Stats model.
Once you have a strong hold on the concepts of the algorithm like linear regression and logistic regression, you can easily implement machine learning systems for making predictions. Hence grasping the concepts of machine learning through Python is a smart way of understanding difficult things in an easy manner.
The credit of Python’s growth goes to its ecosystem. In today’s era, many programmers are taking interest in Python libraries for development of latest tools and finally processing it in Python.
Things You May Know
Python acts as a backbone in data science as it takes care of repetitions and manipulation of data. As such type of work in handled by Python, it becomes easy for data scientists to focus on more interesting and innovative work.
Do You Want to Learn Python?
Maybe you are a fresher or an experienced guy, but learning new concepts is always better for everyone. Become a master in Data Science with Python. KnowledgeHut is here with data science course with Python. Get a deeper understanding of Python programming and know data science and machine learning for making your resume valuable for companies.
Whether you opt for online or classroom training, you need to undergo 44 hours of instructor-led training which will comprise of various lessons. You will also get 24 hours of videos and will get an exposure to work on real projects for getting hands-on experience. Prepare yourself for an exam, clear it in one go and become ready for new challenges.
The demand of data science will accelerate rapidly in the near future hence it’s high time to make a move. Make a career in data science and learn Python for never looking back!
The rapid change in data science landscape has resulted in an increase in the number of tools used for data science value extraction. The two languages namely R and Python are fighting to establish their dominance. Both these languages have their own pros and cons. But as biggies like Google are taking interest in Python, this language has taken a step ahead in the market and earned a name in this technical world.