When you sell something online, you are taking a lot of personal details from customers, from their name and address to their credit card n...
When you sell something online, you are taking a lot of personal details from customers, from their name and address to their credit card numbers. People trust you with this data, and if you suffer an event such as a data breach, that’s terrible PR for your online store, and could even put you out of business.
If you set up new people on the system when they work for you, and they go on to leave, make sure you delete their old accounts. Many online shops have a high turnover of freelancers who work on the site, so need access, but make sure you offboard them when they finish their projects. This will avoid old employees being able to access your information.
You should also enable two-factor authentication on as many accounts as possible. If you log on from a different device than usual, you’ll get a code sent to your phone to verify your identity.
It’s not only big firms that get targeted by hackers and scammers. Small online shops can be vulnerable, as hackers assume they won’t have taken proper data security precautions. By carrying out a few simple tasks, you can avoid being one of the many stores that suffer a data breach or worse.

Top 5 Best Cyber Security Practices For Your Businesses
Here are some ways you can boost your business cybersecurity.1. Change the default passwords
When you set up an online shop using certain platforms, the software will have default logins and passwords. Many hacks have been carried out simply because default settings weren’t changed, which has allowed hackers to guess credentials easily. When you’re setting up a new platform, make sure you use strong, difficult to guess passwords.If you set up new people on the system when they work for you, and they go on to leave, make sure you delete their old accounts. Many online shops have a high turnover of freelancers who work on the site, so need access, but make sure you offboard them when they finish their projects. This will avoid old employees being able to access your information.
You should also enable two-factor authentication on as many accounts as possible. If you log on from a different device than usual, you’ll get a code sent to your phone to verify your identity.
2. Always run updates
You should enable automatic updates for your software and ensure they are run. While it can be annoying to have your software out of action for short periods, even if your site is down for maintenance, this is preferable to running an out of date website that can be hacked. Over half of all PC software is currently out of date, which makes it vulnerable to hackers and makes it easier to spread malware.3. Invest in the best security software
Security software is an important part of your business, as it’s the first line of defense against hackers. Pay attention to endpoint security, which involves the detection of viruses, malware, and zero-day threats, and invest in software that will send you alerts and provide reports so you can stay on top of any incidents. In addition, Next-Gen Passwordless Authentication represents an evolution in security measures by eliminating traditional password requirements. This innovative approach utilizes advanced techniques such as biometrics, hardware tokens, or device recognition, enhancing security measures and offering a seamless and secure authentication experience for users.4. Backup your data
It’s important that if data goes missing or is stolen, then you still have a copy. However, you shouldn’t store this information in plain text. Keep encrypted copies of your databases in the cloud and on local servers, with strong passwords to avoid them being accessed.5. Keep up to date with the latest scams
Small businesses are often targeted in phishing and spearphishing attacks, some of which can be very convincing. Spear phishing is when scammers use personal information they’ve gained from a number of sources to create very specific, targeted scams, and it’s important that your organization receives regular training on the things they need to look out for.It’s not only big firms that get targeted by hackers and scammers. Small online shops can be vulnerable, as hackers assume they won’t have taken proper data security precautions. By carrying out a few simple tasks, you can avoid being one of the many stores that suffer a data breach or worse.