Given the current situation created by the global COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important to upgrade the technology you use in your company...
Given the current situation created by the global COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important to upgrade the technology you use in your company than ever before. Now that business leaders are forced to send their employees home and create an efficient and effective remote operation, as well as a digital workplace, it is imperative to leverage tech-driven solutions in order to maintain efficiency and productivity and minimize extraneous financial expenditure as much as possible.
Even if you weren’t faced with a global pandemic and you were able to resume your operation, as usual, it’s still important that you start upgrading your tech infrastructure so that you can improve output across the board while eliminating risk and minimizing expenses. This is why today we’ll be taking a look at the key tech upgrades you need to make in order to take your company forward and stay one step ahead of the competition.
On the other hand, having a more user-friendly website will allow your IT team to better manage your online presentation and ensure that it’s running smoothly, while also allowing your key staff such as your customer service agents to better communicate with customers and stay on top of the latest developments on your site. Your marketing team will also have an easier time innovating and implementing positive changes to this important marketing tool.
The sooner you migrate to a cloud platform, the sooner you will be able to utilize all of the advanced features that cloud technology brings to the table. This will improve workflow and output, and allow for seamless cross-department collaboration, as well as easy and effective employee monitoring and management. The result is a more stable and productive infrastructure along with lower long-term running costs.
This is why it’s important to upgrade to the more contemporary fiber internet network that can provide all of your employees with fast internet speeds, a stable and reliable network connection without crashes or slow times during the day, and a consistent network speed no matter where they are in the office. For your digital teams, it’s important to incentivize them to switch to fiber optic internet as well in order to make remote work a breeze.
Every computer and gadget around the office should be smart enough to perform various voice commands, and it should be able to connect to a centralized network or a cloud platform. This creates a digital hub in the office that boosts productivity and efficiency, and it makes the lives of your employees a lot easier on a daily basis.
Given the fact that manual data collection is becoming almost impossible, it’s important that you start implementing AI big data as well as machine learning in order to expedite the process and make sense of all of the key customer, market, and industry data. This will allow you to make accurate forecasts, prepare for market shifts and new consumer trends, and of course, to always stay one step ahead of the game.

Even if you weren’t faced with a global pandemic and you were able to resume your operation, as usual, it’s still important that you start upgrading your tech infrastructure so that you can improve output across the board while eliminating risk and minimizing expenses. This is why today we’ll be taking a look at the key tech upgrades you need to make in order to take your company forward and stay one step ahead of the competition.
5 Ways to Upgrade Business Technology in COVID-19 Economic Crisis
1. Bring the website into the 21st century
First and foremost, updating and upgrading your website can benefit everyone, not just your customers and your marketing strategy. If your site looks like it’s stuck in the early 2000s, or if you’re experiencing performance issues, it’s high-time to modernize its appearance and make it more responsive with a high emphasis on user experience. This will improve all of your key website metrics, help you rank higher on Google, reduce your bounce rate, and simply make your site more interesting and engaging to your customers.On the other hand, having a more user-friendly website will allow your IT team to better manage your online presentation and ensure that it’s running smoothly, while also allowing your key staff such as your customer service agents to better communicate with customers and stay on top of the latest developments on your site. Your marketing team will also have an easier time innovating and implementing positive changes to this important marketing tool.
2. Migrate your processes to the cloud
If you are to run an efficient and effective operation as a digital business, you need to run your company on a centralized cloud platform. Running a business on an in-house IT infrastructure is not only cost-intensive and demanding in terms of labor, but it also prevents your employees and entire departments from working efficiently from a remote location. Given the fact that remote work brings numerous benefits to the company as well as its employees, migrating to the cloud as soon as possible should be one of your top priorities.The sooner you migrate to a cloud platform, the sooner you will be able to utilize all of the advanced features that cloud technology brings to the table. This will improve workflow and output, and allow for seamless cross-department collaboration, as well as easy and effective employee monitoring and management. The result is a more stable and productive infrastructure along with lower long-term running costs.
3. Build a strong internet network
Whether you’re in the process of building a digital workplace for your employee collective, or if you’re only outsourcing some processes to your remote teams, and even if you’re keeping all of your employees under one roof – there is no denying that having a strong internet network is paramount to business success. Simply put, you can’t hope to run an efficient workplace if your employees are experiencing lag on their computers and phones, or you have those slow network times during the day that make loading Gmail an arduous task.This is why it’s important to upgrade to the more contemporary fiber internet network that can provide all of your employees with fast internet speeds, a stable and reliable network connection without crashes or slow times during the day, and a consistent network speed no matter where they are in the office. For your digital teams, it’s important to incentivize them to switch to fiber optic internet as well in order to make remote work a breeze.
4. Upgrade to smart technology and IoT
In the modern workplace, there can be no room for “dumb” machines. Every piece of tech that you and your employees use around the office needs to be multi-functional, and that means that you need to choose only smart technology and IoT enabled devices.Every computer and gadget around the office should be smart enough to perform various voice commands, and it should be able to connect to a centralized network or a cloud platform. This creates a digital hub in the office that boosts productivity and efficiency, and it makes the lives of your employees a lot easier on a daily basis.
5. Leverage AI and machine learning
Nowadays, there is more information flowing around the digital world than ever before, prompting growth-oriented companies to adapt and find new ways to collect and collate all of that data and transform it into actionable reports.Given the fact that manual data collection is becoming almost impossible, it’s important that you start implementing AI big data as well as machine learning in order to expedite the process and make sense of all of the key customer, market, and industry data. This will allow you to make accurate forecasts, prepare for market shifts and new consumer trends, and of course, to always stay one step ahead of the game.