When you are looking to build a successful career in the tech industry, one of the best things that you can equip yourself with is a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. Even though you might be able to land a decent job on the merits of a bachelor’s degree alone, you can give your career so much more potential when you earn a master’s degree as well.

The knowledge and practical experience that a master’s degree in computer science will afford you will set you up to be a solid candidate for a number of various tech-related jobs. Such jobs are not only accompanied by higher salaries but by better job security as well. Your only question will be which job is right for you.
Top 3 Best Tech Jobs and Career Options for Masters in Computer Science Students
In order to help you figure out where your career in tech will take you, here are several career options that will become available to you once you have earned your master’s degree in computer science.
1. Cybersecurity
One of the areas of the tech industry that is showing no signs of slowing down is that of cybersecurity. Practically every business out there utilizes online or technological resources in some fashion. Those who don’t conduct a significant amount of their business online will still have some sort of a web presence. The fact of the matter is that all businesses need some sort of security to protect their information. This is where the cybersecurity sector comes in to play.
It is important to note that cybersecurity as a profession encompasses a wide variety of specific jobs and roles. The innovating, designing, development, implementation, and monitoring of cybersecurity related matters all need to be handled by those with the right level of education, creativity, and insight. With so many opportunities in the world of cybersecurity, your master’s degree will allow you to explore them all and find the right fit for you.
Since earning a master’s degree is a challenging and timeconsuming endeavor, you might be wondering if a career in cybersecurity, or tech in general, is even within your reach. The good news is that there are a number of accredited master of computer science online degree programs that are designed to allow to you to earn your degree without missing out on your current job.
2. Software Development
The world of software development is another area of the tech industry that includes many different jobs. This is one niche of tech that has the potential to provide you with a great deal of flexibility in your job. Software developers can work as part of a company that specifically caters to a certain type of clientele or as independent contractors who choose their own clients and projects.
Generally speaking, most software development jobs will fall into one of two categories, with a few outlying exceptions. These categories are frontend developers and backend developers. There are also jobs that involve both aspects of software development that are referred to as full stack development jobs. However, there are great deals of software developers who prefer to focus on one aspect of this complex field.
As the name might imply, frontend developers work on those aspects of software development that pertain to the user experience. Everything from the user interface to the layout of a particular software falls under the umbrella of frontend development. In order to be successful at this type of software development, you will need to possess a certain level of knowledge about how people tend to interact with software in the first place. It is only with such knowledge that you can begin to design a software that will be useful to your clients.
Backend software development deals with exactly that: the back end of a website or other software program. The website’s server, database, and applications must all be designed in such a way as to be compatible with one another and fully functional. The updating and maintaining of a website will have much to do with its back-end processes, so the job of a backend software developer is ongoing.
Other niche areas of software development include web development, mobile development, and data science, among other roles. It is important that anyone looking to enter the world of software development be a team player who is comfortable collaborating with others and proficient in their communication skills.
3. Computer and Information Research Scientist
Many of the advancements and innovations made in the tech industry on the whole can be attributed to the work of computer and information research scientists. These individuals, also referred to as computer scientists, are responsible for taking existing technology and finding new applications for it. They also create and design new technology to solve existing problems.
Much of the work done by computer scientists is applied to the business or medical fields, among others. Some computer scientists work on the theory-based side of innovation while others dedicate their talents to designing and engineering new innovations. In a nutshell, computer scientists are presented with a problem and work to find technological solutions to those problems.
As a computer scientist, you might wish to work in the private sector designing software solutions for private clients in various industries. You might also wish to work in research-based roles in the field of engineering. There are also jobs available to skilled computer scientists working for the federal government.
Because of the complexity of the work done by computer and information research scientists, they tend to at least have a master’s degree before entering the workforce. That being said, a great many computer scientists choose to earn a PhD in order to be as well-equipped as possible for the job.
The earning potential for those who work as computer and information research scientists is on the higher side, depending on the specific type of work you are in. The world of software publishing tends to be more lucrative with a median salary of $125,000 while those who work to develop systems for educational institutions earn on the lower end of the spectrum with a median salary of around $72,000.