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Top 8 Webinar Repurposing Tricks and How to Reuse Digital Event Content

You have just had a digital event and feel exhausted, haven’t you? The efforts and resources spent on such an operation are tremendous. Yet,...

You have just had a digital event and feel exhausted, haven’t you? The efforts and resources spent on such an operation are tremendous. Yet, you understand that business requires this strategy to add to lead generation, interest development or get more leads, attract attention and bring more engagement.

Webinar Repurposing Tricks

What if you could save your resources and optimize a webinar for the benefit of the content strategy?

For content marketers, the possible way out is repurposing the content and using it across other channels. How can such a shapeshift help? The prospects are that you would increase the reach, add to the brand reputation, and improve sales. The cases of international digital companies prove that repurposing works and can bring dividends.

Dive in to see how you can reuse the webinar content and diversify your content strategy.

Webinar Content Repurposing: Across Which Formats to Span

Notably, almost half of the marketers fail to take advantage of the webinars when implementing a content strategy. Almost half of the conference holders reuse content outside such events.

At the same time, around 70% of them apply it for content aimed at revenue generation. It means that those who reuse content integrate events materials into the promotion strategies.

In this regard, repurposing of content contemplates transformation of the existing materials into other forms that can be used for:

Social media: Considering that social media specialists favor video format due to its positive effect on engagement rates, the recorded pieces are perfect for video placement and creation of reels, stories, or standalone posts. They are likely to add expertise and contribute to brand recognition.

Email marketing: You can take out the most valuable advice from webinars and insert them into the newsletters. If targeting the attendees, or those prospects in doubt, such a move is likely to improve the sales funnel. 

Outreach: On the other hand, you can approach influencers or writers for greater reach. One of the solutions is to extract emails from LinkedIn and offer them your expert piece. If your webinar fits their needs, you will get coverage and advance your reputation.

Blog improvement: The content repurposing for blogs is usually concerned with updating the articles, guides, and reports with new facts. It facilitates keeping your content relevant and credible, offering value and insights. At the same time, the content’s renewal is a must in terms of good ranking in Google after the update in 2011. What stops you from designing a series of posts around the issue behind the webinar? That way, you would diversify the content and bring a more narrow article to the table.

Top 8 Repurposing Webinar Content Best Practices

The application of the content repurposing derives from the formats for which marketers can use a webinar. Repurposing may result in glittering a social media post with new insights and infographics or be the basis of the whole new look of the blog article. The application of such events depends on the means, creativity, time, and repurposing criteria.

1. Turn a webinar into videos and post them on social media

The development of the video is the first thing that comes to mind in terms of how a marketer can transform webinar materials into engagement content. They can use the recording of the digital event to create reels or larger pieces.

In this regard, you should apply some editing tools to cut out the intriguing parts of the contents and publish them. Here is an example of how the E3 Metal Corp company incorporates the details of its programs in posts on Twitter and invites people to watch a whole piece.

In this case, the embedded video offers a piece of the strategy discussed during the webinar, providing value to the target audience and giving insights. It aims to contribute to the company's expertise and educate the users.

At the same time, a marketer can outline the exciting part and add it to the stories within Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, even TikTok. The length of the video can vary from 15 seconds to one minute. Yet, make sure that the expert talking would be appealing to the audience.

The same technique may find its application in email marketing. Inserting a small video into a newsletter is a way to make an intro or a teaser to a story in the blog.

Note: The highlights of the previous webinar can become an attractive promo for the subsequent one. Moreover, you can create a separate channel on YouTube as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers does with its webinars.

2. Convert a webinar into a podcast 

Existing technologies foster the use of videos. Yet, there are enough people who prefer podcasts as well as long posts with case studies.

By separating audio from the video piece and emphasizing the particular issue, you can design a podcast. The most successful podcast would derive from the structured webinar. Thus, you may think of telling the speaker or experts that you are planning to repurpose the webinar’s content.

Another tactic is to go further and record a specific podcast with a webinar guest as a continuation of the webinar. However, you may need to ask your community for feedback and ask more specific questions.

3. Create a story or an article out of the webinar

Simultaneously, if you create a transcript from the webinar that has a case study in it, you are likely to design an appealing story for a blog or guest posting. By using transcription software you can save time when transcribing videos. Here is an example of the follow-up article presentation.

The right approach to writing a webinar story is to utilize quotes to emphasize the experience and the actual case story. You may want to divide the speaker’s opinions and lead to an inevitable conclusion. That way, it would not look like a post-event press release but an opinion piece.

As a result, post-webinar publishing can be effective as well. It will help attract the audience that missed the event and interest them in the next ones.

Note: To promote a story, you should utilize your email channel or your social media pages. In particular, you use an email extractor and target specific writers. At this point, you may ask yourself: "How can I use email extractor software for business or content promotion?" The answer is simple; it will bring a corporate email of editors helping you to contact them and distribute new content.

4. Grab recommendations and stats to create visual pieces

Your webinar is likely to have tons of advice that can be utilized to create guides or infographics. In particular, you can include them in your blog or share them on LinkedIn, website communities, or Facebook.

Notably, around 40% of marketers consider infographics the most crucial tool for reaching marketing goals. Also, statistics work well in similar events to underline the issue or justify the argument. If data is already collected, why not use it for a different post on a similar subject?

5. Apply quotes from webinars to emphasize the particular content

As I have mentioned, the quotes are excellent tools to emphasize certain points and attract attention. For instance, the TED Instagram account incorporates quotes to declare their position in the form of the “Monday Motivation.”

The particular quote does not derive from the webinar. Yet, it shows how it can add to the content plan. Businesses can apply the worthiest quotes to underline the solution or the problem covered in webinars. The text being the quote can lead to the insights, separate page, or the webinar recording.

If you hold virtual events frequently, implement a “quote of the day” format to engage the people in social media.

6. Reuse presentation slide decks (Transform them into eBooks)

Another trick that you would find interesting refers to advancing the slide decks. The first thing is to incorporate them into ebooks or make one based on a virtual event. 

Yes, ebooks are usually concerned with content repurposing. In terms of its creation, if the presentation is structured enough, a marketer can copy the slides, edit them, and add the info.

With the help of ebook templates, you can compound different decks and unify them under one style, even having PowerPoint or Google Slides at your disposal.

Importantly, you are likely to need to insert a conclusion, table of contents, or some intro. For sure, it will take some time, but editing is not writing from scratch.

In the end, the marketer gets a lead magnet ready to use, with the expected pieces and insights. Yet, make sure that you have agreed to it with the guest of the webinar. Also, think of it as a message that you can proliferate via paid ads to improve coverage or promote the subsequent event.

An alternative to use: On the other hand, you can simply create a sharable link or download it to Slideshare and send a link to your subscribers via newsletters. 

7. Integrating content into email campaigns and promos

The pieces from the webinars, particularly the slide decks, can be transformed into an exceptional course and used in a drip campaign to nurture leads. Usually, they are sent as an automated sequence following certain events.

For instance, a marketer can send this course to those who have subscribed to the letter or downloaded the lead magnet. 

Also, the webinar presentations can be distributed among and targeted to the people participating in the webinars as a part of the lead magnet. Having the memorable slides as a prominent picture of the promoted ad would foster more clicks by the people who attended the webinar. 

8. Start discussion based on a webinar 

Some questions of webinars can become popular and debated. They may refer to the audience’s data, facts, or everyday needs. Why not use the interesting pieces to drive engagement on social media?

Even though the particular case from Robert McKee is not about presenting data, it contemplates the question mentioned in the webinar. That way, a webinar can be a source of questions for the discussion in the group or comment section of the post.

Moreover, as the webinars have Q&A sessions in the end for more significant interaction, you can have it as a basis for the FAQ page of the blog that is likely to add to your expertise and answer the queries of customers.

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TechGlobeX: Top 8 Webinar Repurposing Tricks and How to Reuse Digital Event Content
Top 8 Webinar Repurposing Tricks and How to Reuse Digital Event Content
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