Online marketing is advancing daily, and new and exciting ways to show off your property can get you plenty of new buyers. If you have started to think about getting your online marketing campaigns in shape, then you need to do some research into digital marketing. Have a look at this guide to see some of the best new ways real estate agents have been approaching digital marketing.
Digital Marketing For Real Estate Agents: 5 Tips To Do It Right
1. Know Your Market
It's a good idea to know where your customers are before you start putting all of your advertising effort into one area. Figure out what your primary market is or look into what the most common social media form is for your area and go there. Advertising on social media will give you a broad reach, but it will only reach those that use it, so look for other forms.
Buy-and-sell websites are another excellent option for advertising as the ads are usually free (or you can pay a small fee to promote them), and you can get people from all over the world. Many people use the websites when they are moving in from out of town, and it's a great way to connect with potential buyers that are not looking on your local real estate pages.
2. Create an Online Presence
Your social media should be something that you keep updated on, but you want to make sure you are choosing the right content. People follow agents on social media to see what they have for sale, but they can quickly become tired of the same old advertising posts, so you need to spice it up a bit. Look into other ideas you can use for content to ensure your followers stay on your page.
Many agents have hired companies to write blog posts, create infographics or make content related to home sales. Most major social media algorithms rely on activity to keep your posts at the top of your follower's fees, so you need to make sure you are still posting, even if you are stuck between sales. If you are having trouble keeping up, look at hiring a social media manager to help you out.
You can also look into doing some online advertising campaigns to promote the homes you have for sale. Look into a PPC campaign that will advertise your homes locally through various websites and pop-up ads to bring in new customers from nearby that might be searching for things like “new homes in the area.” These are great ways to drive traffic to your website and let people see everything you have available.
3. Get Technical
People love to browse real estate websites and marvel at the fantastic homes for sale, so why not give them a bit of a treat by using a professional photographer? Many agents choose to take their own photos, or they have a trusted photographer they work with, but you can go above and beyond if you look into a large photography company or a local videographer that has some better equipment.
Videos, walk-throughs, and drone footage have become the new way of showing off the home, and it's a great way to host a sort of "virtual open house ."Getting the footage or photos is usually pretty simple, and editing the video for your listings won't take long. A post with professional photos in a staged home is much likelier to be shared and sent between friends, which is like free local advertising, so it's worth the extra costs.
4. Offer Options
The pandemic has made many agents rethink the concept of an open house, and they turned to a digital format like a video call to help show off the home. Offering a video call option to your buyers on your online listing is a great way to reel in buyers that are unable to physically visit the house or property.
5. Stay Trendy
We already mentioned a social media manager and how they can help you out online. Hiring a social media manager is the best idea if you want to ensure that your content reaches all the right people at the right time. It can be hard to keep up with silly online trends while managing your own home sales, so do yourself a favor and look for someone with social media experience to help you out.
The internet is a difficult place for many people to navigate, but a social media manager can handle things like SEO, online marketing campaigns (like a countdown to revealing a great home you have coming up for sale), and online trends that might make you go viral. They are skilled at knowing what silly things will make your posts get shared, and they know how to reach the specific market (retirees, professional millennials, investors, etc.) you are looking at.
There are so many new ways that agents have been using their online presence to market their homes. Try out a few of these ideas today to make sure you are getting the most out of your online marketing and to ensure your posts get significant traffic.